Yesterday Karen and I met with Ray Schimmer,CEO, Julia Filippone, Director of Agency Advancement, Liz Waite and Charlie Vatalaro of Parsons Child and Family Center ( Parsons has been serving children and families and addresses mental health, special education, and developmental needs of those families in the community for 175 years. We were there to discuss how the Chicks can contribute to a program they have started to give baby showers and gifts to young mothers in need. They noticed that when a baby is expected in our families it is welcomed with open arms and baby showers and celebrations. But the mothers in the programs at Parsons are lucky if they have any family support at all, let alone positive encouragement. So we Chicks are going to make layette sets and clothing which can be gifted to these mothers at baby showers to help encourage a hopefilled and loving start to their families. They expect to have anywhere from 25 to 45 showers a year.
We will be knitting layette sets and clothing to help make a good start for these new babies. Our first donation consisted of 67 items including hats, mittens, booties, sweaters, socks, blankets.
In this photo from left to right are Ray Schimmer, Jody Mason, and Karen Ayres.

Here from left to right are Liz Waite, Julia Filippone, Jody and Karen.

Thank you to Charlie Vatalaro for being our photographer. Hey Charlie! We didn't get a picture of you!
There was an article in the September 2007 issue of the Parsons Newsletter written by Pastor Wendell Williams which I would like to share with you:
Chaplain’s Corner
by Pastor Wendell Williams
Hello friends, and welcome once again to the Chaplain’s Corner.
My subject this month is “I believe in miracles.” Be blessed.
Miracles. What a great word. To some, fanciful or mystical,
and to others like me—perhaps like you too—believable.
Miracles: when the divine breaks into the natural dimensions of time,
space, events, and human perception.
The first miracle recorded in the New Testament was at a wedding when
Jesus turned dishwater into wine. Yes, dishwater. Lots of it--about 120
gallons or more. What a great miracle. And for you wine connoisseurs,
they said that it was great wine, too. In fact, the master of ceremonies
called it “wonderful stuff,” “the best saved for last.”
This is a powerful story because it tells us that when we least expect it,
God can break into our routines or our ceremonies and show Himself great
on our behalf.
This story also tells us that God can use something ordinary, for
example you and I—destined for difficult, challenging, sometimes
dirty yet necessary work— and cause what we do to become something
beautiful, even extraordinary when submitted to the will and love of God
for his blessing, enjoyment, edification and service of others.
The making of a miracle comes in many shapes and forms. A miracle
may look just like you. Yes you. You are someone’s miracle today. Yours
may just be the smile someone needs when his/her world’s been hell all
day. Yours may just be the loving gentle human touch someone needs
when he/she is feeling like “some people who live, work and interact with
people day-in-and-day-out, but seldom, if ever, experience the kindness
or the warmth of another human’s touch, days on end, sometimes for
months.” You may be the miracle for those who live alone, are lonely and
untouched until God uses you to touch them. You become the miracle that
encourages and reminds them that they are not alone.
Sometimes the miracle is you. Yes, you—the one standing there with
that dishrag in your hands, thinking you feel like “dishwater,” not meant
for much. But trust me, you are here. You are alive. That alone makes you
a candidate to be a miracle and a candidate for a miracle.
So be blessed today. God loves you. You are one of God’s miracles and
miracles are His style.
We Chicks are going to think "Miracles" and pray we make a positive difference in the lives we touch.