My daughter called and asked if we could join the family at the dentist's office so Moose could have a filling. She asked if I specifically would accompany him in the operatory so he would feel more confident. My experience as a dental assistant and oral surgeon's assistant seemed to make me the natural choice. But Moose decided Poppop would be the one to sit with him through the procedure. I think Poppop was a bit terrified but he didn't let it show and didn't want to disappoint Moose so off they went hand in hand to see his dentist. I snuck in to see how things were going only to see AND HEAR Moose yelling to the dentist and her assistants "Take your hands off me, YOU POOPS!!!" Poppop said they strapped him to the papoose board and gave him some nitrous to subdue him before they gave him the local. But he managed to get an arm loose and smacked the dentist right in the kisser! Dr. Rosentrater, wherever you are, YOU ARE A SAINT!!! When all was finished and they came back to the waiting room we asked how it went. Poppop said, "In spite of the hitting, spitting, biting, screaming, and flailing, it went quite well!" We were all laughing so hard to see Moose with his little cotton roll sticking out of his mouth like a cigar that we almost missed getting the photo. Well, here's the picture and if you ask Moose, it wasn't so bad afterall! Kids! That's why we get grey hair!!!

Saturday morning we all got up bright and early so Moose could take us all to his Farmer's Market. He introduced me to Miss Betsy who always saves him a brownie. She's his favorite person there. Oh, and that's Amanda's pregnant belly blocking the left side of the shot. The doctor said she is due July 31 but she seems to have dropped over the weekend. We'll see.....
It sure is a good brownie.
And what goes better with a brownie than homemade apple cider? Moose knows how to get his own sample.
He made a new friend at the market too. The dog's owner was sure Moose would be afraid of such a large dog until we explained the encounter Moose already had with Mrs. Hiller's St. Bernard a few weeks back.
That's a great story all the way around. He was brave no matter what! I still don't like going to the dentist. i wish someone would buy me a present! Glad you could go down and help out.
HA HA HA! I think he is a riot! Glad to have the dentist part over, but how funny is he? Also glad that Brewster has enable Moose to enjoy other big dogs. Brewster keeps asking when he can see Moose again!
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