I have to admit I'm pretty lucky to have this group of talented knitters in "The Chicks" and to prove how talented and inventive they are Liz showed us her handmade DP's. She lost one of her size 10.5 DP's and decided to take her needle gauge to Lowe's Lumber Yard to see what she could find. After trying a few dowel rods in the needle gauge, she chose the one that fit her needs and even picked out a couple of other sizes as well, took them home, cut them down to the length she needed and then ran the ends through an old fashioned pencil sharpener with the hand crank. When the points were to her liking, Liz used sandpaper to smooth everything so the needles wouldn't catch the yarn and then polished them all with Butcher's wax. These turned out every bit as good as the ones you buy at a yarn shop. So ladies, our next yarn crawl just might include a stop at Lowe's!
Planter bunnyitis
22 hours ago
1 comment:
Friends and giving knitting gifts. What a perfect summer day.
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