Amanda had never been to WEBS ( before, so on Monday we took a ride to Northampton, MA to check out their end of summer sale. She bought some yarn to make some baby gifts which are supposed to be a surprise so I can't show them to you. I picked up three skeins of Cascade 220 Superwash to make helmet liners to send to U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan, which is The Chicks next project.

This hand dyed 100% merino is from Peru and it screamed at me to make another Mitered Baby Jacket. This will go into The Chicks inventory for a later donation.

I needed some new #1 DP's because I broke one of my favorite wooden ones recently. I found these metal square needles and decided to try them. They claim to be good for people with arthritis, and while I don't suffer from this, I thought it couldn't hurt! And then I saw the circular square needle (can we say "oxymoron"?) and thought I would use it for that Mitered Baby Jacket I'll be making. The bamboo DP's are to fill out my inventory. I can never find my #10's when I need them, so now I don't have to hunt anymore.

Last week Poppop and I took the Collins family to Hoffman's Playland in Latham for a day of fun. The first ride was on the train through the park to check out what rides we wanted to try.

The helicopter ride was tons of fun and Moose wanted to fly it as high as it would go.

Poppop suggested trying out the carousel. It seems that Moose thinks that's a great idea!

I would say they are enjoying this ride.

Since it was a very hot afternoon a cool ice cream cone seemed to hit the spot.

Hey! Who put the paper on my cone?

The hot air balloon ride was fun for Moose and Mommy.

Moose was too busy driving to take the time for a photograph.

Daddy and Moose really enjoyed the caterpillar.

And the carousel was so much fun that Moose asked me to take him for another ride.

But even a fun day at the park has to come to an end. So the boys head back to the car so Moose can nap and dream of all the fun that he had at Hoffman's Playland.

On Wednesday morning Moose and his mommy took me to see the Giants practice at the SUNY Albany campus. Moose spotted Eli Manning right away.

And there he is wearing his number 10 jersey!

When practice was over the players walked back to the clubhouse and signed autographs on the way. Moose called very loudy to Eli Manning but he was too far away to hear. Some lucky kid on the other side got his autograph instead.

Well, I guess a souvenier rock is just as special. Or was it a bug?

I have had a busy three weeks with Moose's visit and I'm sure going to miss him when he goes home this weekend. But I'm also going to get a much needed rest. I forgot what it was like to chase after a two year old. LOL!