Barbara is back from her spring trip and BOY! did we miss her! She's catching up on my knitting library additions since she was gone. I purchased a used copy of "Victorian Lace Today" by Jane Sowerby. It was in very good condition except for a little spill stain at the bottom of some of the pages. When I opened the book to write my name in it I noticed a shadow of backwards writing on the page. I realized that two pages were stuck together and when I separated them there it was! My $12.00 bargain book was signed by the author! What a thrill!
Elaine finished a sweater and bonnet and is working on a pretty sweater set for her granddaughter. She has to knit fast before the baby outgrows it.
I finished a pair of Jaywalker socks for myself and they came out almost identical twins. That's the first time that's ever happened to me.
I'm working on a baby blanket which I will post when it's finished. It started out as a leaf lace blanket but after much aggravation I decided rather than knit it with bad vibes I would frog it and make a mindless coma knit, the good old fashioned diagonal dishcloth style blanket. You'll see it soon. Now back to my knitting.
1 comment:
nice socks would look good in florida
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