I finished the pink hoodie, as you can see on the armrest of the couch, and now I'm working on one for Moose's birthday next month.
Judy made great progress on the "Loretta Lynn Poncho". She was a little disappointed that she found a mistake a long way down on the decrease row, but none of us could see it. I reminded her that only God is perfect and that she should just let it go. It's disguised by the variegated yarn anyway.
Joyce is almost finished knitting the body of the purse she's working and then she'll move on to the strap.
We had a cozy evening by the fire and accomplished a lot of knitting. Well, most of us did. Judy received a tutorial on the I-phone from my son. I think she'll be shopping for one soon. LOL!
My DH joined us for part of the evening. We keep telling him if he sits with us long enough he's going to have to learn how to knit. Thanks Ron for your photographic contributions this week!
We went to visit Moose last Friday and the first thing he did was grab Poppop for a little light reading. We had a good time catching up on all his activities.
I have two deadlines to meet so it's back to the needles for me.
All the knitting looks great, but really nothing compares to the picture of Moose. How cute is he? (and the hubby not so bad either!)
What Elise said!!
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