As I tidied up the deck and scrubbed yellow pollen off all surfaces, I noticed a robin sitting on the fence with a worm in its mouth. Sure enough! The nest I had been watching was filled with three baby robins and the mama had arrived to feed them. But as soon as she saw me through the screen she took off leaving the babies stretching for food that wasn't there. I managed to get one clear photo and if you look closely at the nest, to the far right side, you'll see two pointy things facing upward. That's one of the babies with its mouth wide open begging for that worm.
It was so tranquil on the deck today. The afternoon group worked busily on hats, scarves, and cowls while listening to soft music and the gentle sounds of water falling.
And complaining about Time Warner, now called Spectrum, and how they always manage to fix a computer service problem which winds up costing more money! We have become so dependent on these computers that it puts a real crimp in our day when they don't work!
We had a full house this evening with hats flying off needles everywhere!
Dorah's hat was just being cast on.
Margaret's hat was at about midway through.
Beth worked on a second sock.
Then she showed us the darling sweater she is knitting for her grandson. It's adorable! And the buttons will be elephants too!

Carole neared the end of her hat and by evening's end...
she was done. She has enough yarn left to make another one too.
Maureen's Cool Slips hat is just about halfway done too.
I would show you my project except I frogged it. I was working on two at a time mittens on magic loop and the whole while something kept nagging at me. There were gaps where the increases were supposed to be and gaps in the middle at the decreasing line. So about 3 inches into the cuffs I decided to listen to my gut and rip them out in favor of a new pattern. Maybe next week I will have decided what they really should be. In the meantime, I have plenty of other projects on needles to keep me occupied.
Keep those needles clicking!
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