We had a houseful of guests for the holidays. After Christmas Eve services Great Grandpa, Poppop Billy was up from Connecticut and Moose was all prepared to take his order for homemade brownies.

Uncle Drew and Moose checked out the recipe and gathered the ingredients.

I loved the expressions on Uncle Drew's and Mommy's faces as Moose cracked the eggs for the brownie recipe.

He did a pretty good job since there were no shells in the batter.

The brownies were so good we didn't even get a chance to take a picture of them before they disappeared. But we made sure to save some for Santa.
The next morning we woke up to all these gifts so I guess Santa liked the brownies.

Moose loved his Viewmaster and gave everyone a chance to see the pictures in it.

Great Grandma, Nanny Boo, and Great Grandpa, Poppop Billy had as much fun opening gifts as did Moose.

Amanda received lots of knitting gifts this year.

And Moose really is a Moose in his new hat!

We stopped long enough to get a quick family photo of Phil and Amanda with Moose but as you can see, Moose was in a hurry to get back to the gifts.

Great Aunt Jamie, Uncle Drew, and Poppop received some yummy presents this year.

Nanny Boo and Aunt Jamie finally got to open their Ishbel shawls I made and they loved them.

Then came Moose's favorite gift.......
BUZZ LIGHTYEAR! He carried that toy around for two whole days.

Sunday night Moose's best friend, Henry, came to visit and play. We all sat in the tent to hear stories just like at camp.

But all too soon it was time for Henry to go home. Moose was so happy to see him that he didn't want to let him go home.

It was a great visit with lots of family and friends and we look forward to the new year.
Happy New Year!
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