Yesterday, Feb. 6th was the day we Chicks used our Panera gift cards to meet for a snack and blend the two groups. I love it when the afternoon ladies can meet up with the evening group. We have such a good time catching up on news and comparing projects.

Left to right: Judy is working on a child's pullover sweater, I'm making my sister's birthday gift (better hurry, she'll be here next Saturday) Barbara is making a man's hat and Kathleen is working on a pretty peach lace scarf. We all talked so much and had so much fun that we spent as much time tinking as knitting!

Left to right: Kathleen with her scarf, Joyce with her scarf, and Sheila feeling a little overwhelmed at having to knit while she talks. Join the club Sheila! None of us can talk and knit without making mistakes.

Elaine was smart she kept checking her chart to make sure she was on the right track.

A nice customer offered to take a group photo for us. Left to right: Judy, Jody, Barbara, Kathleen, Sheila, Joyce, and Elaine.

We'll have to work in a few more of these combined group get-togethers throughout the year. It was tons of fun!
Last night I get this email from my son who was out for dinner and stopped in at the pet store to sight see. All the email said was "PLEEEEEEEZZZZEEE!"
Isn't he cute?! The dog's not bad either! LOL!