The weather predictions for this weekend were sounding ominous so I waited until very late Friday night to decide to go to the Rhinebeck Sheep and Wool Festival. As it turned out the sun was shining nicely early Saturday morning when Ron and I left for my annual romp through the fibers.

By the time this billboard shows up there are about three or four more miles to the festival and that's when my heart started pounding with excitement.

We arrived at 9:15AM and already the line was about half an hour long. The wind was blowing across the fields of the parking lot and it was freezing. Ron decided he didn't need to see the sheep that badly and walked back to the car to wait for me in the sunshine warmed comfort. I was all bundled up in my winter coat and alpaca scarf so I was impervious to the cold. Have I mentioned what a saint he is? His parting words were, "Take your time and enjoy yourself. Don't worry about me. I'll find something to do." It's a good thing he had his cell phone with him. I think he called everyone in his phone list. LOL!

Getting there early works out well for me because I don't like large crowds. At 9:30AM this was about as big as the crowd grew. Can't say it stayed the same though.

The first few buildings house the animals along side the vendors. I got a kick out of this sign.
You can see why they would be! Just look at those big brown eyes. How could anyone resist?
This was the biggest, scariest sheep I have ever seen in my life! At one point he had his head over the rail.

Didja have a hard night, goat? Check out the different angles of his horns.

The llamas are cute too.

When I had my fill of the animals and my nose started itching, I knew it was time to move on to check out the goodies. It's amazing what talent people have! This whole village was made of felted elves and animals. It was darling!

And this is the kind of fiber with which they are made.

I love the pastels of this group. But being the sort of impatient person I am, I don't want to spend any time spinning yarn from this fiber. I want to get right to the knitting.

The colors everywhere were beautiful.

And the weavers outdid themselves this year.

I took this photo for my grandson. Look Moose! It's Marlin and Coral and Nemo!

There were other artisans there too besides spinners, weavers, and knitters. Check out the details on this "Lamb-O-Lantern".

What an artist!

Another artist at work hooking rugs.
And speaking of art... This is a spinning wheel, believe it or not! It was highly polished like a piece of fine furniture. Just gorgeous!!!
This gentleman took time out from spinning to play a few songs on his banjo.

Was the Jolly Green Giant here? Did I miss him?

The traditional and contemporary side by side. Somehow it feels wrong to use an electric spinning wheel.

The hand turned drop spindles were beautiful. I almost bought one just because, but I restrained myself.

It's funny how peaceful spinning can be. It's a real meditative act. I don't think she was aware of all the people and animals that were fussing around her.

The same Andean Band was back again this year. Their music floats through the air so I had to buy one of their CDs. Hey Chicks! You'll hear it this week when we knit.

There was a new addition to the attractions this year but I thought walking would be better exercise.

The colors in the trees were just as pretty as the colors of the fibers.
But I was getting hungry and Ron had waited long enough. So I called it a day
and headed back to the car. And in case you're, I didn't buy any yarn. Nothing screamed out at me. But I did purchase two handmade dichroic glass beads to make a shawl pin. It was a fun excursion into the wonderful world of fiber and I look forward to next year's festival.
You didn't buy any yarn???!!!!!! I'm not sure whether to congratulate you or waggle my finger at you!
Sure wish I had been there with you, though. Maybe again, some year.
So, now I've lived the Sheep and Wool Festival through you! I missed it but somehow standing at the Grand Canyon watching the sunrise I felt compensated! I miss seeing you and your projects! We'll be back in a couple of weeks and then I'll be back to my knitting routines. Now we're off to the hot tub and tomorrow we leave Flagstaff and are off to the Painted Desert and then on to some more National Parks - they really were a good idea!
See you soon.
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