Did I tell you the recipients of our new knitting project? There is an organization in East Greenbush, New York called The Bus Stop Club. They support the siblings of seriously ill children. Sometimes the healthy kids in a family might be feeling a little neglected if all the energies of that family are being focused on helping the sick child get healthy again. The Bus Stop Club has get togethers and support programs to help allay those feelings.
So we Chicks are bringing some new friends to share with the Bus Stop Club. "Harley" the Hog, hedgehog that is, was a free pattern on Ravelry. His back is all curlicues. And he is a bit mischievous.
You never know where he will hide!
His cousin, Henrietta Hedgehog, isn't sure if she is a hedgehog or an armadillo. You tell me.

There are some older children being helped by this organization too. Since they might not be impressed by stuffed animals (Shhh! Don't tell them I said that! They think they're real!) we'll be sneaking in some more practical items too.
Kathleen brought a whole barnyard of friends with her this week.
And in addition to the critters she made a lovely soft hat....
this beautiful shell stitch scarf and...
this pretty pink scarf.
Since Kathleen doesn't enjoy knitting in the round with double pointed needles, she has decided to concentrate her efforts on scarves, hats, and shawls while the rest of us juggle the DP's.
Barbara took notes to make a kitty and sitting right beside her is another of her lovely hats.
Carole started one of the plump kittens last night and by the end of the evening...
she was almost finished. She'll have him stuffed and he'll have a face by next week I'm sure.
Dorah worked on a stegosaurus tonight which will look like this. It was hard to see what he'll look like because it was in pieces and all curled up. Come back next week to see her progress.
I had a vision of what I wanted a sheep to look like so I started knitting bobbles and eventually he looked like this.
Now I have a dilemma. I finished this chubby guy last night but I'm not sure what to call him. Should he be "Sheldon the Sheep" or "Baaaaahhh-ry"?
1 comment:
Oh, that's a great idea! Twenty years ago, a friend and I drove to Oakland once a week (70 min each way if the traffic was good) to visit another friend's 12-year-old who'd been in a coma after being a pedestrian hit by a drunk driver and left for dead. (He's now a college graduate, married, defied all the odds.)
There were two brothers who were hit, actually, the other had a broken leg but nothing like his big brother.
And one day I got a clue and bought some little puzzle or something and went to their house with a gift for the little brother. Whose stunned reaction was, I thought she only loved...!
Which stunned me. I learned then to pay a lot more attention to the siblings--their needs are different but they are great, too. (And they may well be criticizing themselves and seeing their needs as faults.)
Thank you again to the Chicks.
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