Your greatness is not what you have, it's what you give.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

It was a dark and stormy night...

Monday night around 11:45, right after Jay Leno's monologue, there was a deafening !CRACK! and the sky opened up with a deluge of rain! A thunderous storm cell raged through our town and lit up the night sky like the noon day sun. Luckily, my son had his camera handy and was able to capture some of Mother Nature's fury. Out of 65 shots these following four were the best at capturing the light show we witnessed.

This one was taken looking over Maureen's house. I'm lucky to have one of my chicks living right across the street from me.
 You just never know where the next strike will hit.
 It was like the Fourth of July all over again.
 This was the best of all the shots captured. All the weather warnings on TV say stay away from windows and the outdoors. And here we are running from picture window to doorways, looking for the best vantage point from which to capture the ideal photo. Hmmmm.....maybe not the smartest thing to do. But look at those photos!!!
 On to the knitting. Liz was feeling playful as she modeled the lovely seed stitch infinity scarf she made for our St. Catherine's donations.
 Her cardigan was finished and waiting for buttons. She found some good ones in the button bin and will show us the finished piece next week, I'm sure.
Do you remember the slipper socks I said Liz was making last week and practically finished in one afternoon? Kathleen admired them and here they are...
so soft and cozy.
Kathleen added the buttons to the little Baby Sophisticate she showed us last week.
These buttons are perfect!
Here's a hat Kathleen made to match a sweater she finished weeks ago.
And this is the Elizabeth Zimmerman Rib Warmer (sitting underneath above mentioned hat).
Another Kathleen donation using Jelly Beanz yarn. Cute, huh?
For her next trick, Kathleen will pull this sweater out of her magic hat!
Well, it seems like magic when you see this much started and a whole sweater will be delivered by next week. This yarn is more of a teal color in person. After Kathleen adjusts the proportions it will be more of a toddler size than little baby size.
I am about 99% done with Leo's sock blankie.
I had to put my donation knitting aside for a week so I can knit the applied I-cord edging to the blanket. I have until next Tuesday to finish the edging and then I have to block, dry, and wrap the gift to give to my little munchkin. Those are a lot of edges to finish!
Last night Karin and Beth chatted away while their fingers kept busy.
Karin knitted the bright orange border on her log cabin blanket.
And here is Maureen's pullover completely blocked and finished. It's beautiful! Look at the great stitch definition in the detail work. She did a great job!
As much as I love sitting here talking to you, I really must get back to the Icord knitting. So have a great week and we'll see what's new later.


AlisonH said...

Wow on those photos and wow on the knitting. Beautiful!

Elise said...

The storm photos are amazing! We were away in Philly and never saw a thing!! I love Leo's blanket and happily recognize a few of my yarns. It turned out to be so adorable! (Almost makes me want to knit one myself...almost).