I had to do that awful job of weeding today, so to cheer myself up afterwards, I decided to take some pictures of my flowers. They seem to be doing nicely this year. I even caught a critter enjoying them too.

My Grandpa's roses always bloom around my birthday.

I even have some lovelies blooming indoors.

Last but not least, I started two tomato plants using those upside down planters. They are growing like weeds! Here's the beefsteak tomato with two teeny fruits just starting out and....

here is my Roma tomato so I can make homemade pasta sauce.

My Grandpa would be so proud! :)
1 comment:
Daylilies! My MIL, who as a young bride in a new home had never seen them before, made an elegant bouquet out of them for a fancy dinner party she was putting on that evening that she was very nervous about.
I almost got one of those planters this year. Such a cool idea.
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