Your greatness is not what you have, it's what you give.

Friday, January 28, 2022

Delivery Accomplished

A few weeks back I told you about a family who suffered a tragic loss. A young mother was lost during the birth of her premature baby girl and a friend asked if I knew any knitters who would like to make something for them. Well, my knitters are a great bunch of people who rise to any occasion so between my Chicks and my other group, The Delaware Avenue Stitch Angels of the Albany Public Library, we went to work and put together a lovely collection of wearables for now and the near future when this sweet wee babe grows.
We made dresses, hats, mittens, blankets, sweaters, and a sleep sack for the sweet baby.
And for her Daddy we made hats, a scarf, and a warm pair of gloves.
At the very last minute another hat was added to the collection. 
So now this sweet baby will be cozy and warm.
Thank you to the following Chicks and Stitch Angels for dropping everything and stepping up to the plate to fulfill a need.
Carole Ju
Cinzia Cera
Maureen Cagino
Barbara Bradford
Dorah Rosenzweig
Janna Pfluger-Boucher
Jan Picard
Margaret Dietz-Doyle
Laura Ross
Tomasa Rodrigues
Gail Robinson
Terri Bartosik
Rena Buehler
Amy Hunziker

I am proud to know you all and call you my friends.
Keep those needles clicking!


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