We Chicks are knitting up a storm with these hats! Elaine finished her beautifully cabled hat for which she used Plymouth Encore yarn. It's a really nice blend of acrylic and wool, making it machine washable.
Barbara's hat is made with Noro Silk Garden and up until today she was sure it was a hat. But as she knitted it we all agreed it could be a nice cowl and then she could use up every inch of yarn.
Elaine immediately cast on for a 2X2 ribbed hat. It's that favorite of ours, the Soldiers' Hat.
Liz continued to add inches to her scarf with the lovely forest green wool.
I pulled out a project, Baltic Summer, that was sitting in time out for a while. It's not a difficult pattern. I just can't get a smooth rhythm going because every 3 stitches I either have to ssk or Kbfb which interrupts my flow of knitting. Thank goodness there is a straight row of knit stitches on the wrong side. It's a pretty pattern though and I do love Martina Behm patterns. And isn't this yarn just perfect for it?!
Dorah's Squarshy hat is almost finished. She was astonished that it knitted up so quickly. And don't you just love the twisted 1X1 ribbing? It makes such a nice defined border.
Maureen is making the same hat, just not as far along as Dorah's.
Margaret is pretty close to finishing the earflaps of her hat. The grafting of edges will come in a few more rows.
And that's where Carole is now on her hat. Then the picking up of 84 stitches will be a snap because she slipped all edge stitches, leaving an obvious space out of which the stitch will come.
Joules is still visiting and last Saturday she and I watched the Royal Wedding together.

It was a thoroughly thrilling event and she couldn't take her eyes off the bride. ;)
Right now she is trying to type a few words on the keyboard so I think she's trying to tell me she wants a treat.
Have a good week and keep those needles clicking!
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