Who would have guessed that a kernel of an idea which popped into my head in the year 2005 would have blossomed into this group of wonderful ladies which lasted 12 years?!?! We had our annual dinner gathering for which everyone pitches in with a dish. This year the evening group decided to be silly and have breakfast for dinner (inside joke). Barbara brought the makings for Bloody Mary Cocktails. It's been years since I've had one and we all agreed they were good!
Carole and Margaret caught up on current news while...
Dorah munched on her celery stick.
We shared yogurt and fruit parfaits, fruit kebabs, and fruit chunks. There was also French Toast, Spinach Quiche, crispy bacon, zucchini muffins, and a coffee ring. Not only are my Chicks good knitters, they are all excellent cooks too!
Debbie's kebabs had little jack-o-lantern picks for decorations.

Unfortunately, we are missing two Chicks. Maureen was getting ready for her son's wedding and Cinzia arrived later because she has teens and well, they have a busy schedule too!
After dinner we adjourned to the family room to label and organize our current inventory which will be going to HATAS, Homeless and Travelers' Aid Society. Cinzia made it in time to work but we let her take some time to have dinner first.
We had quite the collection this time around with a whopping 120 items that filled five very large shopping bags. There were hats, socks, mitts, scarves, cowls, sweaters, blankets, and earwarmers.
A great big THANK YOU to my Chicks for your hard work and dedication to my dream over the last 12 years. I am ever so grateful to have found you ladies and I hope you know that you are making a difference in someone's life because of your talents and willingness to share them. God bless you all!
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