Liz finished her cowl which started out as a shawl but as you can see by the little ball of yarn in her hand, she never would have had enough yarn to make a shawl. That's the great thing about can always go to Plan B! Now she needs to block it and we'll have another cowl to add to the inventory.
She also finished a scarf which was a real stash buster project.
Liz used two different yarns to achieve this lovely texture. One yarn is a standard worsted weight wool and the other is a novelty ladder ribbon yarn. Alone the ribbon yarn is pretty open and loose but paired with this wool it's a nice accent to an otherwise bland yarn.
Beth finished a Martina Behm scarf called Trillian. She bought the yarn in the little yarn shop in North Carolina where she spends her winters.
The pattern states to save 7% of your yarn to finish the last four rows and bind off but she decided to save 8% and it's a good thing she did! This is what she had left!
Her current project is a baby hat in a color changing yarn. I think it might be Plymouth Encore but I was in a different conversation when she mentioned the name.
And Carole is making a hat with a similar color changing yarn.
Margaret decided to knit another patterned hat.
It's going to start with this pretty heather rose and to it she will add a creamy white.
Dorah has reached the portion of her Zoe hat where the single stitch cables start. Instead of fumbling around with a cable needle she will be trying her hand at Right twist and Left twist stitches.
Maureen's Nottingham hat is just beginning to show the cable pattern.
Margaret finished her Fair Isle hat and it looks great!
My never-ending scarf is ended! I love how it looks when it's finished but it seems to take forever! Actually, I think I started this only two weeks ago. It just seems like a lifetime ago!
While I was working on the scarf I decided to start a hat to break the monotony. It's the Swirl Hat on Ravelry.

On a side note, some months ago I bought myself a Turkish Spindle to try my hand at spinning. I had some fiber of unknown source in my stash that I envisioned making thrummed mittens but spinning seemed like a more entertaining endeavor. Well, after soaking, drying, and un-kinking here is my very first skein of hand spun yarn. It's not perfect but all the spinners I talk to say they wish they could still spin a thick and thin strand like their very first skein.
I might just keep it as a reminder of how much fun it was to learn spinning.
Until next week, keep those needles clicking!
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