Your greatness is not what you have, it's what you give.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

On sabbatical

In my previous post I mentioned I would be taking time off to care for a family member facing a health crisis. Well, in the process of being a caregiver I have become the one who needs care. I twisted or pulled something which resulted in two of my vertebrae slipping out of alignment and pinching the spinal cord. It's been three weeks now and between the constant pain and lack of sleep, I've turned into one cranky gal. Add to that that I cannot knit to relieve the stress and boredom and you can imagine just how cranky! Thank goodness I remembered that I have access to library books from my iPad or daytime TV might really push me over the edge! 

My husband has been a blessing during this time. He takes time from his busy schedule to schlep me to the doctor multiple times a week and his cooking skills have improved immensely (not that he was incapable before this happened, it's just that his improvisational skills have improved). My knitting friends have also been a great help too.

My chiropractor is very optimistic that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and that I will make my way through this. I just wish he could tell me how long the freakin' tunnel is!!!

So I apologize for the long absence and dead air but hope you all will hang in there with me. In the words of The Terminator, "I'll be back!" 

1 comment:

AlisonH said...

Hang in there. Wishing you all the best. I have a mild scoliosis and have some history of back problems with it, but thankfully it has been quiet for the most part for a number of years now. Walking was always the best exercise for it, tightening up the stomach muscles safely, which strengthens the back too, and I've always liked a good brisk walk.

Good luck and heal well!