It's been a long while since Karin has been able to join our afternoon sessions but it was our good luck that she had two hours to spare this week. You know, when she first joined us we were somewhat intimidated by Karin's knitting prowess. For heaven's sake, she practically came out of the womb knitting! LOL! As you can see by her photo, she can really swing those knitting needles! Welcome back, Karin!

Kathleen added two more items to this week's inventory. The "Mistake Scarf" pattern uses a really soft yarn and the favorite pattern of our group is the Cabin Fever top down cardigan, which Kathleen executes perfectly every time.

This was everything we added to this week's inventory.

Elaine brought us a shopping bag full of yarn and it looks like the ladies couldn't wait to dive in to pick out their favorites.

I don't know where Karin found the self control to wait patiently for her turn. Oh yeah, she has lots of stash of her own at home. And yet somehow she left with three skeins of Brown Sheep in beige to add to a beautiful navy blue for a child's sweater. Atta girl Karin! Take as much as you like!

Barbara finished a lovely stole using a hand dyed yarn that was a Christmas gift last year.

The lace pattern was very pretty and showed off the colors to their best.

Elaine is working on a Gansey sweater for donation. The texture of the pattern is beautiful.

Karen checked out the pattern for a scarf she is crocheting (she is our "Crochet Queen" afterall) using a bamboo/merino blend yarn that feels like a cloud.

Judy picked out a pattern for a hat and scarf so she could use up some of our donated stash.

And Maureen's reversible stripes scarf keeps growing and growing and growing....

As does Joyce's reversible scarf. They are both looking great ladies!

The other day I leaned out to get my newspaper and there, leaning on the ledge was a UPS package addressed to me. My mind started racing! What did I order? Nothing that I could remember. Upon opening the package I was shocked to see this knitting book. I knew for sure I didn't order it and there was no invoice included. From where had it come? I looked at the return address and called the publisher to try to solve this mystery. The nice lady at customer service said I must have entered an online contest (not likely, I don't do that kind of thing) but that she had been flooded with phone calls all day from people wanting to know why they received books they hadn't ordered.

Well, now I have a nice new knitting book to add to my personal library. Thanks to whoever sent this to me!
Thank you for inviting a peek into your knitting group (waving hi at Karin over there). What a warm, generous group.
Jody you are too kind. :) Thank you for having me!!
Hi Alison!
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