This weekend was the big celebration for Moose's second birthday. He invited his little friends from playgroup and some family members to share in lots of fun and excitement. Uncle Drew even came out to help . He helped decorate some of the cakes for the "Veggie Tales" theme. He's making French Peas out of cupcakes with some supervision from Moose's mom, Amanda.

I don't know all the names of the characters, but I know Larry the Cucumber and Bob the Tomato when I see them. These cakes were delicious! Amanda is quite a good baker.

Great Aunt Jamie sent a special hat for the birthday boy to wear but it was too small to fit over his head. You know how tight those headbands can be!

One of the games that was very popular among the kids was The Giant Pickle bean bag throw. Moose loved knocking him over.

When Cousin Derek arrived Moose made sure he got right into the thick of things at the party.

Anais, Carly, Moose and Timmy had tons of fun in the ball pit. All the adults spent most of the time retrieving the runaway balls.

When it was time to open gifts, Poppop Ron was chosen as assistant to Moose. They both had fun checking out the surprises in all the nicely wrapped gifts.

Great Aunt Jamie attached an appliqued Nemo to a sweatshirt and it was one of Moose's favorite gifts. He LOVES Nemo!

One of Moose's girlfriends, Carmen, also assisted in some gift opening. Now Moose has his own cellphone to call her.

It was soon time to blow out the candles and sing Happy Birthday.

The next activity was a bit messy.

Moose loved the cake but begged for paper towels to clean his hands. He's like his Uncle "Doo"...he hates to be dirty!

I managed to get my handknit hoodie on Moose long enough to snap a picture but as you can see he didn't stand still for long.

Some of the adults were checking out the Villa Nova basketball scores on an IPhone while the kids were busy playing.

And then all too soon, it was time for Uncle Drew to catch the train home again. He got a big hug and squeeze before he left. Moose adores his Uncle Drew!

About one month ago our Philadelphia friends, Connie and Al became grandparents for the first time and here she is, precious Madison Grace, who weighed in at 8 pounds and 15 ounces! And look at all that hair! What a doll!

Here are Nana Connie and Grandpa Al opening up the pink hoodie I made to give to Madison. Shhhhh... no one is supposed to know they saw it first. LOL!

It was a weekend filled with fun and we were so happy to be there to help Moose celebrate his birthday. Now it's time to rest and get back to my knitting. Hmmmm...what can I work on now?