Your greatness is not what you have, it's what you give.

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

The weather is lovely today

It was so nice in fact, that we were talking about farm shares and visits to the farmers' markets for fresh veggies. The subject of how our own gardens would produce enough zucchini to supply a small village for a year led to Barbara B telling the story about never leaving your car unlocked at the office lot for fear someone would load unwanted zucchini into the back seat. She actually left some in a friend's car only to find out it wasn't actually the friend's car, it only looked similar! LOL!
Speaking of Barbara B, her baked treat this week was Honey Spiced Sourdough Bread with pecans. Yummy! That was another reason we were on the subject of zucchini and how it was the only way some of us were able to get vegetables into our children when they were little ones...until they discovered green stuff in their "cake". ;)

With all the talk about food, Fozzie thought he was getting some too. 
Sorry Fozz! Kitties can't have cake.
Dorah completed the LOSY Hat she has been working on these past few weeks. 
The colors are perfect together!

Barbara B finished a Look Out Winter! Hat with a nice self striping yarn to add interest.
She also completed a Cable All the Way Hat by Lisa Overby, with a lovely cable accent down one side.
I'm having a slump with my knitting so a simple 2x2 ribbed hat is all I can handle right now.
 Startitis will hit when the weather gets warmer.
Carole started a bias scarf but didn't like the narrow width so she frogged it and started over with a few more stitches for extra width.
The yarn is one of those that reproduces when no one is looking. But it's pretty so she doesn't mind.
Dorah is starting a Helix Hat with these three colors. We discussed her next project to use up some of the scraps of sock yarn she has so she might be making a Musselburgh Hat or Equinox Hat next.
Barbara B started a Mountain Snowcap Hat, a free pattern on Ravelry.
I think I'll go search through my stash to see if I get inspired to make something other than 2x2 ribbing. Or maybe I just need a nap. LOL! Anyway, have a great week and keep those needles clicking!

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