Janna and Carole finished their cowls this week. This lovely green Chevron Cowl is Janna's creation.
And Carole finished her Swimming with Salmon cowl. The coral colored yarn even looks like salmon.
Janna wanted to start a new scarf this week and bless her heart, she knitted a gauge swatch first!
The cuff of Elaine's hat is a few inches longer this week.
As is my Chevron Cowl. The yarn is from the talented Karin Maag-Tanchak of Periwinkle Sheep fame.
Cinzia grasped the concept of brioche stitch and was off and running with her two tone cowl.
Dorah's Railroad Tracks hat is working up nicely. The deep cuff has a distinct ribbing created by knitting into the back loop to give the stitch a twist.
Carole's brioche cowl has grown since last week and she is finding her rhythm with the stitches.
Barbara is getting the hang of her brioche cowl too.
Last Friday my son texted me the photo below of a sticker and asked if I could knit a "cat size" version.
So when faced with a challenge, I step up and give it a try. And sure enough, I knitted a pretty close duplicate for Joules. She was VERY patient with my son and me while we tried to get her photo. About 60 seconds into the photo shoot, she let us know she had had enough and tossed the hat aside.
I don't know if I showed you this project in progress but I realized that Joules was the only family member who didn't have a Christmas stocking so I had to remedy the situation. And yes, I know it's huge! It has to be to fit her treats!

Well, the Chicks and I will be taking a two week break for the holidays. We all send our best wishes for the season and a happy and healthy new year. Keep those needles clicking and we'll see you back here on January 8, 2019.