We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful spring day to take our annual field trip to WEBS in Northampton, Mass. for the BIG spring sale.

Everyone arrived at my house promptly at 8:45AM and we carpooled from there.

We were delayed at the toll booths not 20 minutes away from the store. Come on people! Don't you know we're on a mission?!

Ahhhh! The mecca of the fiber world! We finally arrived at WEBS around 10:30.

Does it look like we're in a hurry? Can't wait to get our hands on that yarn!!!

Some "corn" yarns caught Elaine's eye at the front of the store. Such wonderful colors.

Barbara headed straight back to the warehouse where you could see nothing but yarns for miles and miles and miles....

Kathleen checked out the superwashed wools for a favorite afghan pattern that she makes for newlyweds.

Pat, Kathleen's daughter, came all the way up from Pawling just to join us. This was her very first trip to WEBS and we warned her it was overwhelming! I don't think she quite imagined how overwhelming it would be!

Karin found some gorgeous blue yarn to make a sweater for herself.

This was Sheila's first trip to WEBS too, but she stuck to her shopping list which helped to ease the anxiety of having so much from which to choose.

What did you pick? Oh I love that color? What are you going to make with that one?

Wouldn't these three together make a nice fall colored afghan?

The two hours we spent yarn shopping flew by in the wink of an eye. We made many wise and beautiful yarn purchases.

We were so hungry by this time that we headed over to Hadley a few miles away to have lunch at Whole Foods. There was a whole bounty of wonderful foods on the buffet to fill our plates.

When we got back to the parking lot this car was next to ours, covered in game boards with magnetic playing pieces, figurines on the dashboard, a doll arm sticking out of the roof, and sayings written on almost every square inch.

Karin noticed a plastic box glued to the trunk that was filled with sidewalk chalk with an invitation to "Leave Your Mark". So we did! The Chicks with Sticks are now a part of that car! LOL!

Our last stop of the day was at Trader Joe's in Hadley to stock up on all kinds of goodies. Of course we had to bring back some yummy chocolate to sustain us for the ride home.

All in all I would have to say it was a very successful day for the Chicks. Now we'll have to think about where our next field trip should be.
It looks like everyone had a wonderful time.
We had a blast!!
Great post, Jody.
Hey, I went on a yarn crawl with a friend too! But Webs just wasn't an option from here. There's a TJ's, on the other hand, a mile from my house, and they do sell a lot of good chocolate things.
Have fun knitting!
Looks like lots of fun!
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