Before the Chicks arrived I readied the assembly line for labeling every item to be donated with our Chicks logo label and laundering directions.
And they jumped right in on the task of attaching and sorting and counting.
We had made 59 hats, 7 shawls, 2 scarves, 5 sets of hats with matching scarves,
a pair of fingerless mitts, 5 baby and toddler sweaters,8 cowls,
3 blankets, 6 pairs of socks, and an adult sweater which was a gift from someone who can't wear wool.
For a whopping grand total of 97 items, if you count them as sets. If you count pairs of socks and sets as separate items we get 109! I once heard that a pair of socks contains more stitches than a whole sweater so why not count them individually?!?!
Barbara B. added to her collection of Mason Jar cozies. We couldn't decide if it was cozy or koozie. Anybody know?
Jan A. held up her Hepsi's Cowl to see if it was long enough.
It turned out it was so she bound off the stitches and it's ready for a bath.
You can tell by Barbara K.'s expression that she is not thrilled with her yarn. Here she was trying to decide if she should go on with the project.
But she and the rest of us really like the color so we'll see what she decides next week.
Janna's Morton cowl is still growing.
And Dorah didn't want me to show you her Declan's hat because she frogged it to start over. Cinzia is making an asymmetrical poncho.
Carole is adding length to her shawl made with the pretty color changing yarn.
And, after three starts and ripping out, I am on track with my Heddle shawl. I was using the written directions since I hate knitting from charts but I kept finding myself in a sea of confusion and wrong stitches. I finally relented and decided to follow the chart and it's knitting up very nicely.
I couldn't resist showing you my Fozzie, Today is his "Gotcha Day", the one year anniversary of his arrival in our family. He's been a bundle of fun, all 20 pounds of him. Yes, he's a BIG kitty as you can see yourself by the way he hangs over his bed.
And he's a good boy who never jumps on my knitting but waits patiently by my side as I put it away so he can cuddle. He is not familiar with the term "Keep those needles clicking!"