Your greatness is not what you have, it's what you give.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

FO and gradient yarns

Janna finished her shawl and it looks beautiful! Great job Janna! And a nice gift to yourself too.
(Bottom left picture)
 Dorah showed us the pretty gradient yarn she is using to make the “Light and Up” shawl for a friend. The yarn is from Freia and you can find a variety of beautiful colors at Cece’s Wool in Hamilton Square in Guilderland, NY. 
 That picture to the top right is Dorah’s “Heavy Metal Shawl” for which she used two skeins of the Freia yarn. She started the shawl from the outside of the first ball of yarn and when she reached the end, she started the second ball of yarn from the center so she could continue the gradient in the opposite direction.
There was conversation about the spoiled pets and plant care but mostly about knitting. I started a hat but don’t have much knitted so it’s not very interesting to see. Maybe by next week I’ll have a completed hat. For now, I’ll get back to work. If you believe in the power of prayer, our world needs all the loving vibrations you can give. Stay healthy, stay happy, stay home and keep those needles clicking!

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