Your greatness is not what you have, it's what you give.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Look who's visiting!

If you look closely to the left side of the table you will see, sitting between Dorah and Maureen, Beth! She traveled up from North Carolina to visit and squeezed in some time to stop and knit with us. Beth was one of my Chicks when we still had two groups, one in the afternoon for the retirees and one in the evening for those who envied the rest of us in our retirement. LOL! No, really, there were knitters who were still among the working outside the home world and so it was appropriate to split the time between them. I must admit though, it's nice that we can all meet at the same time now.
We had a lot of news to catch up so it was nice to have a relaxing afternoon visit.
Beth did not come empty handed. She was showing Dorah her current sock project, Mermaid Tail Socks, which had a pretty textured stitch.
The pattern can be purchased on Ravelry.
And she made a pair of socks to donate to our inventory called Basic B Socks. The self striping yarn adds some pizazz to a basic shortie sock. I couldn't find a link for you but there are many patterns available on Ravelry. Thanks for the donation!

She is also working on a Flax Sweater for one of her grandsons.This is a freebie on Ravelry and comes in a range of sizes from infant to adult.
Nancy finished her River Rush Slouch Hat and...
has already started a second one. 
She said it's a pretty easy pattern to follow since she can knit while we talk.
I have reached the portion of the Climber Crest Cap where I start decreasing to close the crown of the hat. This pattern is a very simple 4 round repeat, again, good social knitting work. I must warn you though. I found a typographical error in the written version which I addressed in an email to the designer. But she has not issued any updates to correct the problem. The error is Rnd 1 in the main section. In the repeat section between the *, the repeat ends with a K1 but it should read P1. The chart however is correct.
Dorah's basic beanie is coming along nicely. She combined two solid yarns to create a great tweed look.
Margaret started the 1898 Hat but the yarn is not cooperating and might require tossing. She said she found it in a donation stash so she doesn't know how old it is. But every now and then some of the plies are broken which needs to be cut away and reattached and it must have a high percentage of cotton fiber because it has no elasticity AT ALL. I reminded her that if it isn't fun, don't do it! She might be frogging this and throwing the yarn in the trash. 
Maureen's Sunnyside Sweater has grown and is showing off those beautiful colors! 
What a pretty gradient!!!
Jan made progress on her Reverb Shawl. I love the color palette she has chosen. The contrast between the colors will show off the pattern nicely.
And Fozzie had to put in an appearance. He was checking out Dorah's knitting bag because he could probably detect the scent of her kitty, Lorna Doone. He usually hangs around Dorah because she knows where I keep the "cookies" he likes. She is Fozzie's best friend on Tuesday afternoons. But then he's very fickle. If you have food for him, you'll be his best friend until you run out. LOL!
The past few days felt like fall with rain and wind but today the sun is out and the temps are supposed to get a bit warmer again. I'm not too concerned as long as I can get out for a walk. Speaking of, I'm going to go for a quick round before it's time to prepare dinner. 
So until next week, keep those needles clicking!

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